You don’t have to work out a child support arrangement on your own. When you hire an experienced Ontario child support attorney, you’ll be giving yourself a great chance of getting a fair child support agreement.
Child support is a sensitive subject for divorcing or separating couples. One party is likely to feel like he or she isn’t getting enough money to care for the child, and the other party may feel like he or she is giving too much money and can’t afford it.
To work out a fair child support arrangement that both parties can live with, hire an experienced Ontario child support lawyer from our office. We can help you navigate the legal process; we will be by your side during family court; and we can help you with gathering and filing the necessary documents.
You don’t have to handle the stress of arranging for child support on your own. By hiring an attorney, you gain the legal advice you need to help you work out the best child support arrangement for your situation.
One of your biggest questions regarding child support is probably about how child support calculated. Trying to decide on a fair amount can be confusing, and what’s fair will be different for every family. The judge takes multiple factors into consideration when deciding how much child support one or both parents will need to pay:
First, the Ontario judge takes a look at each parent’s net disposable income. That means things like taxes, mandatory retirement contributions, health premiums, and the cost of raising other children will be taken out.
Next, the judge will look at all other sources of income when calculating a fair child support amount, such as the following:
After both parents’ earnings are calculated, the judge will examine how much time each parent is with the child. The parent who is with the child the most is likely to be the one who receives the child support payments on behalf of the child.
To determine the child’s expenses, the judge will examine various factors in an Ontario child support case. The costs of these factors may be unique to each child:
If you need legal help reaching a reasonable child support arrangement, contact an experienced attorney with our office. We have over twenty-five years of family law experience. We will put your child’s needs first and help make sure the child support arrangement between you and your ex is as fair as possible.
To get help from an Ontario child support lawyer today, contact the Law Office of Laurence J. Brock at 909-466-7661. You can also schedule a free consultation by completing the form at the bottom of this page.